
Shortcuts for speeding up your development based on Django REST Framework (DRF).

DRF shortcuts library allows you to:

  • Expose your Django model class using a one-liner register_standard_endpoint(your_router, YourModel). Exposed API endpoint will support search & ordering of items for suitable fields (backed up by SearchFilter & OrderingFilter filter backends) and will be nicely documented in both Browseable API & upon issuing OPTIONS requests against it.
  • Create rest_framework.viewsets.ModelViewSet based viewset class for your Django model using a one-liner create_standard_viewset_class(YourModel). Viewset capabilities will be similar to the one registered using register_standard_endpoint shortcut.
  • Create JS-based clients friendly serializer class for your Django model using a one-liner create_standard_serializer_class(YourModel).
  • Use library classes & helper functions to tailor your own DRF shortcuts.

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